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Myke Wolf
Create from Being:
Guide to Conscious Creation
by Myke Wolf
Paperback: 156 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace
Published: March 1, 2016
ISBN-10: 1450594115
ISBN-13: 978-1450594110
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Create from Being:
Guide to Conscious Creation
by Myke Wolf
Click an excerpt from the list below to read part of the book.
Choose an Excerpt:
Abundance of What?
Your Thoughts Are Not You
Pathways to Dreams
The Grand Illusion of Time
Happiness Is Innate
Removing Judgments from Choosing (showing)
Money Is Just A Substitute

Removing Judgments from Choosing

While it is very common for we humans to have judgments, they are not necessary to the process of choosing or making decisions. Holding judg-ments can, in fact, work against us in the creative process.

Let’s define judgment as the labeling of something as “bad” or “good.” Most of us make judgments about things throughout the day. When we make a judgment, we generate an attitude about that particular subject. That energy leaves us and goes out into the environment around us.

If you pay close attention, you can actually feel your energy change when you think of something you like and consider “good,” then stop and picture something that you dislike or consider “bad.” This change in energy does affect the aura, and does affect the creation-attraction process.

There is a significant energetic difference between simply not-choosing something, and judging it. For example, consider the difference between saying “He is an idiot!” and “He and I don’t have much in common so we don’t hang out.” Which remark feels better to say? Which would you prefer someone say when discussing you?

Judgment commonly becomes a habit, and we are often unaware how often during the day we place judgments. We are surrounded by judgment in the media and other people around us in the workplace, neighborhood, school, or shopping center, so it can easily feel like a society “norm.”

It is necessary for us to make choices, many of them, throughout the course of each day. Choices ARE a crucial part of the creative process, for it informs the Universe what it is that we prefer, and each choice we make contributes toward the creation of our own future. In some way we must evaluate how something feels to us in order to make a decision or choice.

Choices occur in the heart; judgments occur in the mind. We often combine or confuse the two. The heart chooses immediately and we can sense this choice in our feelings – we either want to do something, or we do not want to do it. Then the mind jumps in and begins to analyze WHY we are deciding in this way and evaluates the choice. That is when judgments appear.

And judgments, like so many other thoughts, build and accumulate. If we had an experience in the past which we judged as “bad,” then experiences which we perceive to be similar will also be anticipated to turn out in a similar manner. Such assumptions can unnecessarily taint our experience of the future, and limit our expansion into new varieties of experiences in life.

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